Sri Madhva Navami

Sri Madhva Navami

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha ||

Jagadguru Shri Madhvacharya (Photo Courtesy- Shri Raghavendra Batni,USA)

About Shri Madhvacharya:

Sri Madhvacharya was the founder of Tatvavaadha(Dvaita) philosophy. His holiness was born in the year 1238 A.D, on the Vijayadashami day of the month of Aswayuja in a village about three miles in the village of Pajaka,near uDupi, Karnataka, India.

Acharya Madhva is the third avatAra of vAyu(the god of life), the other two are: Sri Hanuman(in tretA yuga), and shrI bhImasena(in dvApara yuga). His name is mentioned in the BaLitthA SUkta of the Rg VEda & Garuda purana. shrI MadhvAcharya himself acknowledges this in one of his works.

What Madhva saints say? 

  • “jaya jaya jagatrANa, jagadoLage sutrANa akhila guNa sadhdhAma madhvanAma” – Acharya Madhva is supreme soul among all Jeevas, who is most powerful and filled with good qualities -Sri Shripadaraja
  • “Madhva Mathave Mathavu Sakala Shruthi Sammathavu “- Shri Madhva siddhanta the best among all, and is supported by Smruthi, Vedas, Agamas etc. -Shri Vyasaraja
  • “Vyasaaya Bhavanaasaaya Srishaaya Gunarashaye | Hrdyaya Shudhavidhyaya Madhvayacha Namo Namaha”–Namaskara to Lord Sri Veda vyasa(Sriman Narayana), husband of Mahalakshmi who is filled with infinite auspicious qualities. Namaskara to beautiful saint who has full of knowledge, who has all the lakshanas in full none other than Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharya — Sri Vadiraja Tirtha in his magnum opus work “Yukthi Mallika”
  • Shri Madvacharya’s philosophy is the real philosophy that will grant eternal bliss in the form of moksha-Golden words of Sri Raghavendra Swamy
  • “Madhva rayara nenedhu shuddhar aagiro” – Sangeetha Pithamaha Purandara Dasaru beautifully narrates the mahimas of Acharya, he says smarane of Acharya Madhva cleanse ones Sins. how great our Acharya is!

What other Acharyas say?

  • Saint Nyaneswar, marathi Vaishnava poet who lived in 13th century was influenced by the philosophy of Acharya Madhva and his principles. He was impressed by the bhakthi movement of Acharya Madhva, though there are philosophical differences.
  • International Society for Krishna Consciousness(ISKCON)- Sri Chaitanya prabhu followed the principle of Dvaita, and they still accept Acharya Madhva as their Guru.

There are many Acharyas who followed the path of Acharya Madhva’s Dvaita philosophy, I will publish a different post later,

Shri Madhva Navami:

Shri Madhva Navami is celebrated on Maga masa/ Shukla paksha/Navami thithi (10th Feb 2022). It is on this day in the year 1317 Acharya Madhva after giving discourse on Upanishad disappeared from the sight of his bhakthas and proceeded to Badrikashrama to continue learning from his dearest guru Shriman Narayana

Celebrating shri Madhva navami:

In this post we are going to celebrate the auspicious day by chanting the below sloka, from one of his commentary works from “Taitreya Upanishad”

“Sathyam gyanaManantham Anandham brahma sarvaSakthekam | sarvair devairityam vishnavAkyam sarvadheime suprestam” ||

The one, who is the Creator, Destroyer & Protector, the one who knows everything with infinite Auspicious qualities with swarupa of Gyana, and Anandha(happiness), the one who has absolutely no difference with his organs, avatars or roopas, the one who is always remembered and chanted by Shri Lakshmi, Chaturmukha brama etc, the one who is very dearest to me, LORD VISHNU, I always surrender your lotus feet.

‘Gu’ means darkness,’Ru’ means to confine.Hence, Guru means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance thro’ the light of his knowledge. Let Srimadhvacharya be my Guru in all my births.

Related articles:

  • Tatvavaadha(Dvaita) philosophy: Click here
  • Vyasarajaru installed Hanumantha: Click here
  • Sri Madhwacharyaru in the songs of Sri Purandaradasaru: Click here to read
  • About punya shethra “Udupi”: Click here

In the service of Lord shri Harih,

Venkatesh Rajendran

About The Author


  1. A.N.R.Char

    I am very happy to read this being a Maadhwa myself.Thanks a lot.


    I am belongs to Madwa community kindly posted all devotional songs

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