Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama!
Sri Sri Jayatirtha Gurubyo Namaha!!
Sri Raghavendra Tirtha Gurubyo Namaha!!

“Bhaghavan Sri Visnu akshaya Laksmivasa layestitihi” -Paramatma Sri Lakshmi Narayana has infinite qualities,He is the one who has no destruction even at the time of Pralaya -Sri Jayatirtharu
Aradhanae mahotshava of Sri Jayatirtha Sripadangalavaru is celebrated on 14-7-2017. It is my bhagya to write about this great saint in our spiritual blog. Let his holiness bless all of us with Gyana, bhakthi and Vairagya.
Sri Sri Jayatirtha Sripadangalavaru also known as Sri Teekaacharya” is like the Gem of Sri Madhva philosophy. HIS holiness has written commentaries on almost all granthas of Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharya and hence he is rightly known as Sri Teekaacharya. We have already seen the life history of this great saint in our previous articles( Click: Post1 Post2). Please do first read the articles before continuing this post.
The magnum opus of Sri Teekaacharyaru is Sriman Nyaya Sudha which is ayardstick to measure the scholarliness of any scholar of the Madhva tradition. It is a work on the Anuvyaakyana of Srimadhaachaaryaru. Sri Teekacharyaru is considered to be one of the master of Dialectics.
There are many scholars who have written their Tippanis based on the Teekas of Sri Teekaacharya Mahaprabhu. Few of them are given below for your reference,
Sri Sri Vyasa Tirtha, Sri Vyasa Raja is considered to be one of the great saints whose contribution to Dvaita philosophy cant be forgotten easily. HIS Triratnas(1. Sri Nyayamrta 2. Tatparya Chandrika 3. Tarkatandava) shows how efficient he is in conveying the truth or proving the Supremacy of Lord Sriman Narayana. HIS holiness was rightly called as Chandrikaacharya by his devotees similar to Sri Raghavendra Swamiji who was called as Parimalaacharya.
Note: The name Chandrikacharya came up when Sri Vyasa Tirtha wrote commentary on Sri Teekaacharya’s Tatvaprakashika and named HIS work as ‘Tatparya Chandrika’. Similarly the name Parimalacharya came up when Sri Raghavendra Swamiji wrote commentary on Sri Teekaacharya’s Sri Nyaya Sudha and named HIS work as ‘Sudha Parimala’. Sri Raghavendra Swamiji’s work is one of the most popular commentaries on Sri Nyayasudha. You can quickly look in to this article to know more. Readers, You could see both of these great Saints procured their respective names after writing commentary on Sri Teekaacharya’s work. Thus is the greatness of works of Sri Teekaacharya.
Ajaya Sri Vijayendra tirtha Swamiji of Kumbakonam has written various tippanis on works of Sri Teekaacharyaru and one among is “Pramana Padhathi- Tippani”. Sri Vijendra tirtha starts this tippani by offering prayers to Sri Lakshmi Narayana and ends saying that “HIS holiness(Sri Vijendra Swamiji) has written only a little of his opinion on the great grantha called “Pramana Padhathi” and Let Sri Jayatirtha and Sri Madhvacharyaru be pleased with the work and bless. Similary another work called “Bhavavarnanam” is also one of the tippani done by Sri Vijayindra Tirtha based on the work of Sri Teekaacharyaru.
Sri Raghutama Tirtha of Tirukoilur is also called as “Bhavabodhakaru” because one of HIS holiness work called “Bhavabodha” is materpiece grantha running about 1200 granthas. It is purely based on the work of Sri Teekaacharyaru called Sri Visnu Tatva Nirnaya Tippani”. The five Bhava Bodhas are:1. Brihadaranya Bhavabhoda 2. Nyaya Vivarana Bhavabhoda 3. Gitabhashya Bhavabhoda (Prameya Dipika Bhavabhoda)4. Vishnutatvanirnaya Bhavabhoda 5. Tattvaprakashika Bhavabhoda.
Sri Vadindra Tirtha describes the greatness of Sri Teekaacharyaru in his holy work “Gurugunasthavana”, His hoiless says Jayatirtha is the one who is like bhaanu(resplendent sun) which removes the rows of darkness in the form of mithyajnaanaa and the like and the saint who is unconquerable and famous in all the three worlds, stand none to excel.
Sri Sathyapriya Tirtha in his Jayaraja Stuthi narrates the mahimas of Sri Teekaacharyaru. His holiness says “Sri Jayatirtha is a great mahan who is devoted to the holy feet of Sri Lakshmipathi, who is like Kalpavyuskha, who gives right knowledge to the satwic persons, who is master of Madhva sastra. Let Sri Teekaacharyaru bless all of us with bhakthi and save us from samsara”.
Chitrai padaischa gambeeryai vaakyair maanairakhandithai |
Gurubhaavam vyanjayanthi baathi Sri Jayateertha vaak || – Sri Vyasatirtha in Nyayamrtha.
Let us sincerely pray great saint and invoke the blessings of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha anthargatha Sri Jayatirtha anthargatha Sri Vayu anthargatha Sri Lakshmi Narasimha swami.
—In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.
-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.
the details provided is very useful which is required for our new generation. great thing done. thanks.
Hi, Can anyone explain what is the meaning of Jayatirtha? I would like to understand the background of this name.