|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Madhava Tirtha Gurubyo Namaha ||
|| Sri Raghavendra Tirtha Gurubyo Namaha ||

Aradhane of Sri Sri Madhava Tirtha Mahaprabhu
Charama Sloka:
साधिताखिलसत्तत्वं बाधिताखिलदुर्मतं ।
बोधिताखिलसन्मार्गं माधवाख्ययतिं भजे ।
Sri Sri Madhva Tirtha Mahaprabhu was 3rd in succession to Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharya. His holiness was direct disciple of Sri Madhvacharya. Senior most four main disciples of Sri Madhvacharyaru are Sri Padmanbha Tirtha, Sri Narahari Tirtha, Sri Madhava Tirtha and Sri Akshobhya Tirtha. His holiness worshipped Sri Veera Rama devaru which can be still seen at Sri Mutt. It has to be noted that Lord Sri Veera Rama devaru was worshipped by Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharyaru and the same was given to Sri Madhva Tirtha Swamiji. It is said his holiness had written commentary on Parasara Madhwa-vijaya but none of his other works are available in the library.
Poorvashrama name: Sri Visnu Sastri
Sanyashrama Period: 1333-1350 [Period of 17 golden years]
Moola Brindhavana: Mannur, Bijapur District[60kms from Gulbarga]
The present Swamiji of Sri Madhava Tirtha Mutt is “Sri Sri Vidyasagara Madhava Tirtha Swamiji”.
Let us do smarane of this great saint and let us pray his holiness to bless all with Gyana/Bhakthi and Vairagya.
—In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.