|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Vijayindra Sri Vadiraja Tirtha Gurubyo Namaha ||
|| Sri Raghootama Sri Sudeendra Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha ||
Lord Sri Krishna protects all always, as He is the Lord of all entities in the World. He is Sarvothama and the one who is always filled with auspicious qualities- Sri Madhvacharya in Dvadasa stotra.
Lord Sri Krishna, you have eyes like lotus, you have taken avatara especially to destroy Kamsa and others ,please protect us- Sri Vadiraja Tirtha in Dasavatara stuthi.
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About Udupi Sri Krishna
Udupi is a town in the south-west Indian State of Karnataka. All knowing vayu avatara Sri Madhva was doing meditation at Malpe and he noticed a ship which was in Danger due to strong wind. As he himself is an avatara of Vayu, he just moved his vastra(towel) in clockwise direction and controlled the Wind and he thus saved the ship. Due to his great help he was bestowed Gopichandana. When opened it contained the sacred idols of Lord Sri Krishna and Sri Balarama. All knowing Acharyaru felt very happy as the idols were concreted by Vishwakarma and being worshiped by Rukmini devi.
Sri Madhva did installation of Sri Balarama at Vadabhandeshwara,Malpe and Lord Sri Krishna at Parasurama shetra called “Udupi” facing Lord in West direction.Lord is worshipped only through a window with nine holes called the Navagraha Kitiki. And for readers information, Lord did not turn his position because of giving dharsan to Kanaka dasa(as it was already installed in that direction), though Kanaka dasa is a great Haridasa, a great aproksha gyani and sincere devotee to Sri Vyasa Tirtha.
Astha Mutts
Acharya Madhva divided in to eight groups and made Sri Krishna to be worshipped by each mutt for every two months period.Readers will be aware that Sri Vadiraja Tirtha has made that to happen in two years cycle and that is called as Paryaya.Click here to know more about Paryaya in detail.
- Palimaru – Sri Hrishikesha Tirtha
- Adamaru – Sri Narasimha Tirtha
- Krishnapura – Sri Janardhana Tirtha
- Puttige – Sri Upendra Tirtha
- Shirur – Sri Vamana Tirtha
- Sodhe – Sri Vishnu Tirtha
- Kaniyooru – Sri Raama Tirtha
- Pejavara – Sri Adhokshaja Tirtha
Some of Haridasa’s songs on Udupi Krishna
- Sri Vyasarajaru has composed many beautiful songs on Lord Sri Krishna among them “Krishna ni begane baro”(above) is very famous.
- Sri Vadiraja Tirtha has performed pooja to Udupi Lord Sri Krishna for four paryayas.His famous songs include “Arigaro krushNa SurakumArane”,”kamde kamdeno krushna ninnaya divya maMgaLa mUrtiya”
- Sri Raghavendra Swamin has composed song “Indhu enagae govindha” at this same place.
- Sri Purandaradasa who has composed many compositions on Lord Sri Krishna among them “Udupi Kandeera Krishnana kandeera & kande naa udupiya are famous.
- Sri Vijaya dasaru has composed many songs and suladhi on Udupi Krishna among them “Udupi Suladhi” is one of the famous. His Ugabhoga called ‘Abhathu Parihara’ which starts with “Ondhu kaiyalli kadga”on Lord Sri Krishna gives immediate results and protects us when chanted with sincere bhakthi.Readers can enjoy the entire incident from here
- Kanakadasaru has composed many songs on Lord Sri Krishna
- Jaganatha dasaru has also composed songs on Lord Sri Krishna. ‘kRuShNana nodirai bhakti saMtuShTanaa paadirai’
Places to visit in and around Udupi:
I have visited Udupi last month and I have tried giving brief introduction to each and every place.[I was not able to cover few places below but still I have collected all the required information].Readers can also very well get all the required information from Udupi Sri Krishna Matha office.
- Anantheswara temple:
Lord Sri Parasurama is worshipped in the form of linga. Lord Sri Anantha(Sriman Narayana) accepted the request of Sri Rudra(Shiva) to be in linga roopa hence the name has become “Anantheswara”. This temple is situated beside Lord Krishna temple. This is the same place where Acharya Madhva was disappeared from human sight after giving discourse on Aitreya Upanishad, and strongly believed to be staying at Badri worshipping Lord Sri Vedavyasa.
- Parashurama Devasthana-Around 10kms from Udupi
- Durga betta- Sri Mahalakshmi in the form of Durga devi. This temple is situated near to Pajaka shetra at place called vimaanagiri.

- Sri Balarama Temple[Vadabhandeshwara],Malpe

- Lord Sri Narasimha temple at Mulki
Lord Sri Narasimha was installed by great gem of Dvaita philosophy “Ajaya Sri Sri Vijayindra Tirtha” Sripadangalavaru. Please click this link to know more. This temple is situated around 25kms from Udupi.
- Sri Pajaka shetra -birth place of Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharyaru which is around 14 kms from Udupi.
- Hoovinakere(Gowri Gaddhe) The place where our beautiful Sri Vadiraja Tirtha was born
Sri Sri Vadiraja Tirtha was born at this sacred place which is around 30kms from Udupi. We have already seen the importance of this place in detail in our ongoing “Series on Sri Vadiraja Tirtha-Part3”. Navigate here if you have not read still.
- Sri Trivikrama Moola brindhavan @ Kudlu Kavu Matha, kasargod,Kerala[106kms from Udupi]
Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya:Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya in earlier life was an ardent follower of Advaita philosophy of Sri Sankara.After getting defeated from Sri Madhvacharya, he became the disciple of our Acharya Sri Madhva and started following Dvaita-the Ultimate Truth.Sri Madhvacharya had showed all his three avatars(Hanuma,Bheema&Madhva) only to Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya and by thus Trivikramaru wrote Sri Hari Vayu Sthuthi,which is read even today in almost all of the Vaishnava families.This mantra when recited with bhakthi fulfills all our desires and gets Sri Madhva antharkatha Lord Sri Vedavyasa’s blessings.
Sri Narayana Panditacharya: He was the son of Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya who is the author for the well known Sumadhvavijaya(biography on Jagadguru Sri Madhavacharya).Click here to read word by word meaning.
- Dharmasthala
Dharmasthala is situated around 110 kms from Udupi.One can have dharshan of Sri Manjunatha(Shiva) maintained by Jain family. Temple Reinstallation(Punar pratisthe) with vedic rites was done by great saint Sri Vadiraja Tirtha and kept Vaishnava priest(Madhva tradition) to do daily pooja to Sri Shiva as instructed by Sri Vadiraja Tirtha. And even today as the place says Dharma has been still happening in this beautiful place with the blessings of Sri Rudra antharkatha Sri Vadirajaru antharkatha Sri Narasimha blessings.
Click here to know more
- Sri Subrahmanya Temple,Kukke
Sri Shanmukha or Subrahmanya is the main deity in this temple situated around 170 kms from Udupi.
Click here to know more
- Subrahmanya Matha
Sri Aniruddha Tirtha was the first pontiff of Sri matha. Samputa Narasimha is famous in this matha which was given by Acharya Sri Madhva.Sri Vidya Prasanna Tirtha is the current pontiff of this great Matha. Please click here to know about the history of Sri Matha
- Kadithala at Manjeswar:
It is strongly believed that Sri Vishnu Tirtha(brother of Acharya Sri Madhva and founder of Sode Mutt) had buried Sarva moola grantha and other important works of Acharyaru by engraving it in Copper plates (manuscrpts) at Vyasa Tirtha(picture showed above),Kadithala at Manjeswar. This place is situated around 75kms from Udupi. It is said that Sri Lakshmi devi will be born after several years and use the copper plate and enrich this knowledge to truth seekers. This place is protected by Sri Vayu and Sri Shesha devaru.
I am sure I still miss giving lot of information about other sacred places like Kolloor,Anegudde,Tirthahalli,Astha Mutts and Moola brindhavana of great saints like Sri Vidhyamanyaru@Palimaru etc. As I said before, readers can please get all the information from Administrative Office at Udupi Sri Krishna Mutt.
Suggestions are welcome as usual!
Let Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharya antharkatha Lord Sri Parasurama bless all of us with Gyana/Bhakthi/Vairagya,
—In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.
Excellent information Venkatesh!! This page is going to be one point reference for our great sacred place Udupi. Thanks for all your efforts in collating these key information required for devotees. Good job!!
Dear Venkatesh avare – 15 days back I came to know about this website ,since that day I am in regularly touch with this website. You have done an outstanding contribution to propagate the Madhwa Siddhanta . This is what really ‘Dheeksha’ [commitment] in following Dvaita siddhanta. I pray Harivayu Gurugalu to bless you with their superb & divine blessings always to continue this auspicious work.
Hari Sarvottam – Vayu Jeevottam – Jagattu Satya
Sushilendra G B
Respected Mr venkatesh
can you add any post on sri kesava theertharu. his moola brindhavana is located at anichampalayam near namakkal. i tried getting frther information but couldnt get more once shri amr had written about this great mahan in kumudham jothidam
Respected Venkatesh Rao,
As regards to your writing About Udupi Sri Krishna – “Lord did not turn his position because of giving dharsan to Kanaka dasaa”
Can you please give some elaborate details of the same. Bcoz since childhood i m hearing as per the information on the below link.
vaddakam his holiness swamiji,
what is your decision about the Lunar eclipse (alpangul) on the 25th of April?
Hare Srinivasa,
Please see the below posting from my friend,
the details of the place are very much neglected by the local people and no information is available at the place . the man who showed us was in the math and all are memorable. Thanks for reminding.
santosh. G.Deshpande
thanks for adding my photo
photo is done by me
admin of temples of india
link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=276311822487518&set=t.100004145701576&type=3&theater
This page is really informative! thank you so much! Please keep up this good work…