Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama
Pujyaya raghavendraya Satyadharma ratayacha
Bhajatam kalpa vrukshaya namatam kamadenava
Srirama charana dwandwa vardhi chandodayopama
Sri Krishna pujanirataha krushnomam Sarvadhavatu
Ibharampur Sri Krishnacharya is also called as “Appavaru” by his devotees. Aradhane of Sri Appavaru is celebrated this year at Sri Keshtra, Ibharampura on Shravana Shuda Pratipadya(Poorva Aradhane) , Trutiya (Madya Aradhane)and Chatruti (Uttara Aradhane) i.,e 8th,9th & 10th of August 2013. Appavaru was a great devotee of Mantralaya Saint Sri Raghavendra Tirtha Swamiji. The below article is courtesy of Vishnuteerthachar, Raichur, who comes from the lineage of Sri Appavaru
Ibharampur Krishnacharya(Appavaru) – Sri Vishnuteerthachar
Sri Gurubhyonamaha Harihi Om
Sacred Bharatha desha produced great gems of Spiritual eminence with their miraculous and holy orthodox, disciplined way of life. The immortal Saint His Holiness Shri Raghavendraswamy, who entered Brindavana at mantralayam is considered to be still living with HIS physical body showering his divine grace and bestowing on alh HIS sincere devotees. Mantraalaya is today one of the holiest pilgrim centers of India where Moola Brindavan of His Holiness Raghavendra Swamiji, was installed many years ago.
About Appavaru:
Sri Ibharampura Krishnacharya is also one among such great personalities . The village which produced great Acharya i.r, Ibharampura is just about 2 ½ Miles from Mantalayam. Shri Ibharampura Krishnacharya (Devotees called by short name ‘Appavaru) was blessed to Sri Ahobalacharya and Smt.Krishna Bai of this village, with the blessings of Sri Raghevendra Swamiji(Gururaja). The Coupe also performed ‘Naga Prathista’ and prayed Gururaja and blessed with child and named him as “Krishna”. Whenever the child was with the mother at Harikathas or Puranas, he used to show the signs of happiness and elation at the epiode of Kamsa Vadha by Krishna or Rukmini Kalyan equay, The child used to exhibit the sadness over suchnarration of incidents and begin to weep aoud hearing Dropadi Vastrapaharana, Dhruwa Rajara Desert ife , Gajendra Moksha etc.
Krishnacharya in his boyhood day never showed any interest in studies and anusthana etc., but preferred to pay in an irresponsible easy going way. The parents were much disappointed at the boys discouraging progress. One day, vexed by the parents anger over his indifference, the young krishnacharya left alone to a distant jungle too weep in solitude. An old man with rare brilliance of eminence on the face came to the boy and with his divine hand, inscribed letters on the tongue of krishnacharya. Soon, radical change of God-Consciousness was felt by the boy who fell on the feet of old man. He expressed his happiness and relief. The Oldman revealed himself as “ Aswatama Acharya” and blessed krishnacharya with all the powers of curing poverty and diabolical spirits and further told that he will get blessings of Gururaja.
Krishnarya’s Aparokshagnyana :
Appavaru owing to the Aparokshagnyana and Bhakti used to forecast and foretell what is going to happen in future. In Mantralaya once a great scholar by name Sri Ganeshabhatta met Appavaru and performed Namaskara to the sacred feet of Appavarua . Immediately Appavararu told Ganeshbhatta today you are doing Namaskara and from tomorrow onwards I have to do Namaskara to you.Every body laughed. But in the evening a telegram came from Nanjanagudu from H.H.Sri Sugnyanendrateertharu to start immediately to Nanjanagudu. As per the essage started from Mantralaya, reached Nanjangudu, met Swamiji. Sri Sugnyanendrateertharu was about to attain the lotus feet of Sri Hari, made him as his successor and named as Sri Sudharmendrateertharu.
Life restored for Untimely(Durmatrana) death:
Appavarau travelled Rameshwaram, Shimushnam, Kumbakonam etc and camped at bahavan. Appavaru was guest of honour to Sri. Bhujaki Rao who invited appavaru to participate and bless his only Son and Daughter in law, on their nuptial day function. Appavaru hesitated to stay but his holiness was obliged to stay for that day’s function by the repeated request of devotees there and host in particular. On the night when the joyous coupe were sent into bedroom, the bridegroom suddenly was dead which caused a great sorrow too all the people around. Appavaru was approached and informed of the details. Appavaru allowed himself and dead body to be locked inside room, meditated God with outmost devotion.Next day morning, the doors were opened , Appavarau restored the bridegroom from death with normal life. Bhujanga Rao Joy knew no bounds and expresses unfathomable depth of gratitude to appavaru.
For more details
Contact : Ramachandracharya. Ibharampur (Archakaru and Appavaru Vamshikaru )-Mantralayam
Contact Vishnuteerthacharya( Appavaru Vamshikaru),
Let us sincerely pray this great dasaru and invoke the blessings of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha anthargatha Sri Vayu anthargatha Sri Lakshmi Narasimha swami.
—In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.
-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.
About The Author
Webmaster/Owner of dvaitavedanta.com
it is great to know about”Appavaru” it shows pure and sincere dedication towards “Sri guru” will solve all our poblems namaskara
Namaskara Sir,
While I know that you are collecting the list of our beloved guru Sri Vyasaraja Theertha krutha Vayu devaru details, I would like to add these list
1, In Cheyyar, Opp: to Bus Stand one In Gally road named Samaathyan Kulam ( Actually It is Sampaathiyan Kulam, Sampathi of Ramayana Kala) one Sri Vijayaraghavar Ramar Koil is there. Within temple premises Sri Vyasaraja krutha Vayu Devaru is there. It defintely have the Anga Lakshana of Ganta, Sowgandhi puspha , Sikai are there. I went for a Sri Rama Navami Purapaadu and this Vayu devaru had shown me blessing.
2. In Patteeswaram, near Kumbakonam ( Where famous Sri Durga, Nandhi gave way to Sri Gnanasambhar to see Sri Rudra from Rajagopura itself, Sri Parvathi Hugg Sri Rudra when he came to test as fire Thazhuvakulainda nathar, Sri Sakthimutra Pulavar’s home town ) one temple called Kona Perumal ie Gopinatha Krishnan Koil is there. There Irattai Anjaneyars ( see Photo below) are there. WIth the Anga Lakshanas of Shikai , Sowganthi Pushpas we can well conclude these can also be Sri Vysaraja Krutha Vayu Devaru. Though I studied and lived in that village for about 6 years in early ’80s, I never visited, where in I used to cross atleast 4 to 5 times an year this old damaging temple, while we go for Swamimalai in short cut road. That was my dhurbagya! But today I come across this and want to record through your noble service for future.
[image: Twin Hanuman]
Namaskara, Sridhar.V, Nanganallur,
Sri Krishnarpanamastu