Guru Gunasthavana-FINAL

Guru Gunasthavana-FINAL
Sri Vadeendra Tirtha (Author of Gurugunasthanavana)
Holy Feeet of Rayaru(pic courtesy: srsmutt)

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha ||
|| Sri Vadeendra Tirtha Gurubyo Namaha||

I would like to conclude the series on Gurugunstavana and I would like to dedicate this series to his holiness Sri Vadeendra Tirtha antharkatha  Sri Raghavendra Swamigala antharkatha Sri Vayu antharkatha Sri Moola Ramachandra prabhu!!

Thanks to all who have read our series and I hope all would have started doing parayana of such a great work. Let Mantralaya mahan Sri Sri Raghavendra Swamy bless all with Gyana/Bhakthi/Vairagya.

Guru Gunasthavana Series Archives-

Guru Gunasthavana (Part 24) -By Dr. B. Basker

vyasena vyuptabijah srutibhuvi bhagavatpadalabdhararasrih
pratnairisatprabhinno’jani jayamunina samyagudbhinnasakhah|
maunisavyasarajaduditakisalayah puspito’yam jayindra-dadya
sri raghavendradvilasati phaliti madhvasiddhantasakhi ||37

The seeds of Brahma sutra was shown by vedavyasa in the field of vedas and which sprouted during the period of madhvacharya and during the period of teekakritpadaru it grew in to beautiful branches.During Vyasaraja’s Tirtha time new leaves made their appearance which later led way to the blooming of beautiful flowers by Sri Vijayendra Tirtharu and the tree of madhwa siddhantra bore wonderful fruits by Sri Mantralaya mahaprabhu and radiates brillliant effulgence all over.
madyadadvaitavidyavadgarvanirvapanaksamah| vadindrayatirat tene bhaktya gurugunastavam ||38


Charama sloka:
Doorvaadidvaantaravaea vaishnaveandeevareandavea Sri raghaveandraguruvea namotyantadayaluvea ||
He is like the sun in removing the darkness of propagation of untruth; He is like the moon in causing the flowering up of the devotees of Sri Vishnu; He is merciful to the greatest extent. I bow to Sri Guru Raghavendra.
Poojyaaya raghaveandraaya satyadharmaratayacha Bhajataam kalpavrukshaaya namataam kaamadheanuvea ||
I bow to Sri Raghavendra Swamy of the following reputation:Revered; he guides us in the straight path of truth and good conduct; He fulfils the prayers of devotees completely just like the divine tree (kalpavrisksha) and the holy cow (kamadenu).
Mookopi yathprasadena |Mukunda Shayanaayathe || Raja raajayathe riktho |Raghavendram tamaashraye ||
With whose blessings even a dumb can speak as eloquently as Sri Adi Sesha(Thousand Headed Serpent on which Lord Sri Vishnu rests) and with whose blessings a pauper turns into a rich, to them, Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamygalu, I’m surrendering my self !!!
Special articles on our Mantralaya mahaprabhu from our blog:
  • Sri Sri Vyasarajaru Aradhana Mahotsava article:Click here
  • Sri Vyasaraya Teertharu & Sri Vadiraja Teertharu at Tirumala: Click here
  • Life History of Guru Sri Raghavendra Swamy:Click here
  • Sri Raghavendra Stotra in a PDF:Click here
  • Parimalacharya: Click here
  • Greatness of Sri Raghavendra Swami Stotra:Click here
  • Song-Raghavendra guru pAvanakaya by Sri Vijayadasaru:Click here

Yours in the service of Sri Harih Vayu Gurugalu,

Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.
-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.

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