Guru Gunasthavana- Part13

Guru Gunasthavana- Part13

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Om Sri Vijayendra Sri Sudeendra Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha ||

The first Mrithika brindhavana of Sri Raghavendraru@ Erode

Guru Gunasthavana (Part 13) 
Namaskara to all Haribhakthaas,

vyacaksane muradvisyabhijanamabhajad bhadramindoranidram |
dhira sriRaghavendra tvayi punaranaghe hamsavamsodite tam
vyakurvatyadya bhavyam kathamiva na bhajedasu mitranvavyah || 25

This shloka highlights the greatness of the excellent work on the Bhagawat Geetha by Sri Rayaru popularly known as ‘Geetha Vivritthi’.  The chandra vamsha was exhilerated because of the Lord telling the song celestial to Arjuna (which destroys the sins of those who read the same) and while Sri Raghavendra Gurusaarvabhaumaru wrote vivrithi the hamsa vamsa felt honoured similarly (Hamsa in one context means sanyasis in another aspect can be taken as soorya and hence soorya vamsha also felt glad).
This shloka shows us what a great kavisrestha was Sri Vaadindra teertha sripadaru!

By Dr. B. Basker

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