Subhakrta Nama Panchanga

Subhakrta Nama Panchanga

||Hare Sarvothama Vayu Jeevothama ||
|| Om Shri Raghavendraya Namaha ||

naaraayaNa – photo courtesy Sri Raghavendra Batni

“Vyasaaya Bhavanaasaaya Srishaaya Gunarashaye | Hrdyaya Shuddhavidhyaya Madhvayacha Namo Namaha”
Namaskara to Lord Sri Veda vyasa(Sriman Narayana), husband of Mahalakshmi who is filled with infinite auspicious qualities. Namaskara to beautiful saint who has full of knowledge,who has all the lakshanas in full none other than Jagadguru Sri Madhvacharya — Sri Vadiraja Tirtha in his magnum opus work “Yukthi Mallika”

Samvatsara means a Year in Samskrita (approx 361 days as per Surya siddhanta) as per our Hindu Panchanga. There are 60 samvatsaras as listed by the great Saint Varahamihira, as per Brihat Samhita.

The running samvatsara is Plava  and the next year as per the periodic cycle is ‘Śubhakṛta(शुभकृत) Nama samvatsara which starts from April 2nd 2022 and Hindus celebrate it as Yugadi. 

  • Śubhakṛta Prediction (as per panchanga):
  1. gives peace to all,
  2. will bestow good fortune and wealth for those who follow the path of Dharma, 
  3. all the problems will get reduced as the name implies, gives subha(good prosperity) to everyone,
  4. gives good rain throughout bharatha desha, but rain water has to be saved.
  5. Government will amend new policies especially on Education, will benefit for children
  6. those who do illegal business will face tough time due to new policies,
  7. most of the business to happen online, so chances for online fraud(cyber) attacks, lets be careful,
  8. by consuming Ayurveda or Siddha medicines diseases can be prevented in advance,
  9. Government will take initiates and find jobs for existing jobless professionals,
  10. Real Estate will see peak time, dhana sthan is very strong
  11. Government will take measures to renovate all the ancient, old and popular temples,

Disclaimer: the above ones are analysed as per my limited knowledge, readers to consult the astrologers to know more in detail. 


Download Śubhakṛta Samvatsara Panchanga:

Note: Click on the image to download your copy, as of now we have received soft copies from Shri Uttaradhi mutt ,Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt, and from Shri Raghottama achar(mulbhagal mutt, Srirangam). This page will be updated as and when we get soft copies from our publishers. The copyright belongs to them at any cost. 

Our sincere thanks to the publishers who made it available for FREE! we appreciate all their efforts!

  • Sri Uttaradhi Mutt (Samskrit):
Samskrit(Print version) Click on the image to download your copy
  • Sri Uttaradhi Mutt (Tamil):


Tamil Click on the image to download your copy
  • Madhva bandhu (Tamil):


Tamil Click on the image to download your copy!
  • Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt Panchanga(SRSMutt,Mantralaya)(Tamil):
Click on the image to download your copy!


  • Free Astrology Consultation:

With the blessings of Lord and guru Shri Vyasaraja, we have enabled the option of Free Astrology Consultation in our website last month, we have already answered  about 50+ questions in last few weeks, 

Please click on the below image and go through the topic. You can ask if you have any specific astrology related questions by filling the form and submitting the same, our Astrologers will review your question and get back to you.

Our Astrologers are well experienced in Astrology, and they do this as a service to Lord, it is a FREE service so make use of this feature if required! 

‘Gu’ means darkness,’Ru’ means to confine. Guru means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance through  the light of his knowledge.

Let our Guru Sri Raghavendra Swamy bless all of us in all the Samvatsara with Gyana Bhakthi Vairagya! 

Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.

-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.

                                                                  || Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu||

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