401th year Aradhane of Sri Vijayindra Tirtha Mahaprabhu

401th year Aradhane of Sri Vijayindra Tirtha Mahaprabhu

||Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama||
||Sri Sri Vijayindra Tirtharigae Namo Namaha||

भक्तानां मानसांबोजभानवे कामधेनवे । नमतां कल्पतरवे जयीन्द्रगुरवे नमः ॥
bhaktAnAM mAnasAm bhoja bhAnave kAmadhenave | namatAM kalpatarave vijayIndra gurave namaha ||
Meaning: Sri Vijayindra Tirtha is like the Sun for the devotees who take refuge in him. His holiness is like divine cow Kamadhenu. His holiness is like divine Kalpavrksha.For such a great saint our sastanga namaskara is submitted.
Brief details about Sri Vijayindra Tirtha:

  • Period:1517-1614
  • Poovashrama name::Sri Vittalacharya
  • Ashrama name::Sri Vishnu teertha
  • Second Ashrama namaha::Sri Vijayindra teertha
  • Ankitha::Vijayeendra Rama
  • Asrama Grugalu::Sri Vyasarajaru
  • Vidhya Gurugalu::Sri Vyasarajaru
  • Danda badalavane::Sri Surendra teertha
  • Shishyaru/Uttaradhikare::Sri Sudhindra teertha (“Gurugalu of Sri Raghavendra Swamin”)
  • Brindhavana::Kumbakonam,Tamilnadu
  • Punya teethi::Jesta bahula Trayodashi
  • Samasthana period::1575-1614

Sri Vijayindra Tîrtha was a `sarva-tantra-swatantra’, a master of the sixty-four arts, a winsome and magnetic personality,and the author of over a hundred works (104 are attributed to him). Born by the grace of Sri Vyaasa Tiirtha in 1517, Sri Vijayiindra Tiirtha got his education from Sri Vyaasa Tiirtha. The saint was then gifted by Sri Vyaasa Tiirtha to Sri Surendra Tiirtha, ruled the throne of Srimad Acharya, served his guru Sri Surendra Tiirtha, showed many great miracles, won many scholars which proved that he was undoubtedly victorious(Ajeya).

Sri Swamiji is also considered to be Ruju Ganastha, his holiness is also said to be the incarnation of Kashyapa rishigalu.

401th year Aradhane of great Saint  “Sri Vijayindra Tirtha”  was celebrated all over our Bharatha desha especially at His Holiness moola brindhavana which is located at punya sthala ‘Kumbakonam’ on 14th June 2015. Please visit www.srsmutt.org to get the aradhane updates.
Sri Swamiji’s Uttara aradhane is celebrated today, let us pray His Holiness with divine faith and bhakthi & get His blessings.

Sri Vijayindra Tirtha anthargatha Sri Mukyaprana anthargatha Sri Lakshmi Narayana preethartham.
|| Jai Sri Sri Vijayindra Tirtharigae || 

Hare Srinivasa || 

About The Author

1 Comment undefined "401th year Aradhane of Sri Vijayindra Tirtha Mahaprabhu"

  1. I am very much happy and many thanks for sending a write up of Shri Vijayindra Thirtha Mahaprabhu.
    Hare Srinivasa

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