152nd Aradhane of Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru

152nd Aradhane of Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha ||
|| Sri Sankarshana Wodeya Yatindra Guruvae Namaha ||

152nd Aradhane of Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru(1810-1862) will be celebrated on 27-11-2014 at HH Moola brindhavana,Karapoondi,Near Polur,Tiruvannamalai District.

About His Holiness:
Poorvashrama name of his holiness was Sri Tammanna Nayak.At HIS young age, HH did sastra pata from Sri Bheema Varaha Acharya.During his yatra to Udupi shetra,Sri Tammanna studied Sarvamoola grantha of Jagadguru Madhvacharya from Sri Visvapriya Tirtha of Sode Mutt.At the age of 32,Sri Tammanna was given Sanyasa by Sri Sathyaparayana Tirtharu and renamed as Sri Sankarshana Wodeyar.

Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru was the first saint to write Sanskrit commentary on Harikatha amritha saaraa(called as Kannada Sudha written by great Sri Jagannatha Dasaru) and its the most extensive teeka.He had taken avatara specially to write a tika on the Harikathaamritha saaraa. His holiness had Sri Sanjeevi Rao as his shishya.

Interestingly his holiness had also written many dasarapadhagalus, few are given below:
i) Kollala Noodhutha baro Kamshamardhane Krishna… Sankarshana Vittalane (Kalyani raga)  ii)Sruthi Smrithi kalindha thoodhisalarenu ninna karivaradha Kalinga mardhana Sri Krishna(Bandhuvarali Raga) iii)Bharathi Ramana Dhayamado ni dhayamado ni krupayindha nodo… 

After Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru attained brindhavana in the year 1862,gave dharsan as Rudraamsha to his sincere bhaktha “Sri Venkataramana Acharya”.After having dharsan of his gurugalu he decided to compose Sri Sankarshana Kavacha,Kalpatharu Stotra,Mangalastaka Navaratnamallika &Mangalastaka on praise of his holiness.

To know more about His Holiness click here.
Money order & Cheque/Draft may be sent to 
Sri V S Rajamani Rao
Land Lord,
Murugapadi, Via Polur- 606803
Ph: 093459999645
Let this great saint bless all of us with Gyana/Bhakthi/Vairagya,

Dhanyavadhagalu,Venkatesh Rajendra Rao

-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.
|| Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu||

About The Author

3 Comments undefined "152nd Aradhane of Sri Sankarshana Wodeyaru"

  1. H Raghavendra Rao

    namaskara , any queries in this subject can be made to sri rajamani rao ,president of the samithi mob 09345999645 or sri h sankarshana rao to his no 08939516424 or to me 09043458932 . H Raghavendra Rao.

  2. cp.sudhir

    can you please give me email id for this, i want to do online payment to this

  3. H Raghavendra Rao

    namaskara , the samithi has no website or email id . the devotees who wish to donate may choose any option .those contributing through online please in form to me H RAGHAVENDRA RAO by email to ragsegh@yahoo.co.in or sms or talk to me phone 09043458932 . thanks .regards.

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