|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Om Sri Vijayendra Sri Sudeendra Sri Raghavendra Theertharigae Namo Namaha Namo Namaha ||

Guru Gunasthavana (Part 10)
Namaskara to all Haribhakthaas,
In this shloka the saint eulogises the greatness of tattva manjari a unique gloss by Sri Rayaru on the anubhasya of Sri Madhwacharya. It comprises of 32 verses in four chapters which encompasses the meaning of the brahma sutras and also tradition avers that acharyaru composed it to enable Achyuta preksharu to do parayana on sadana dwadashis when entire recitation of brahma sutra bhasya was difficult.
Sri Vadindraru beautifully alludes this with the incident of Lord Sri Krishna showing the entire universe to mother Yashoda in his small mouth. Sri Rayaru in tattwa manjari has clearly brought out the fact that the meaning of the entire bramha sutra is embedded in the anubhashya. Obeisaance to the great Rayaru who has composed such a wonderful work.
By Dr. B. Basker