Guru Gunasthavana- Part8

Guru Gunasthavana- Part8

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Om Sri Vijayendra Sri Sudeendra Sri Raghavendra Theertharigae Namo Namaha Namo Namaha ||

Guru Gunasthavana (Part 8
Namaskara to all Haribhakthaas,
dhirasriraghavendra tvadatularasanaranganrtyatsvayambhu-
yosa-dhammillabharaslathakusumatatistvagdirah sangiramah |
yabhih sammisritabhirniravadhivasudha visruta sasudha pi
ksonigirvanagamyam parimalamatulam sampratam samprapede || 19

Sri Rayaru is also hailed as Parimalacharya as His holiness had written a work on the famous Sri Man Nyaaya Sudhaa of Sri Teeka krit padaru. It is believed that in His poorvashrama Venkatanatha used to sit in the late hours writing this memorable work and once Sri Suddendra Teertaru himself saw the young boy lying down after writing for that day and His Holiness was much impressed and conferred the title of Parimalacharya’ on him since it gave an exotic fragrance to the intellect.

Sri Vadindraru here in all poetical excellence compares the tongue of Sri Rayaru as a stage and Sri Saraswati devi joyfully dances on it and the flowers strewn on it from here are the words by which this fragrant work has been done.  Is it not natural that it should be hailed as Sri Sudhaa Parimala.

prayah praganyadiyatanutaravivrti granthavasovihina
hrina nadarsi dhirairapi kila yuvatirbhasyatikabhidhana |
adya sriraghavendravratikrtavivrtipraudhakauseyaratnam
svehayuktam vasana viharati sudhiyamagratah svairiniva || 20

In this shloka Sri Vadeendraru compares the wonderful work Tatva Prakashika as a young maiden who rarely ventured out due to paucity of a good dress in the form of a gloss. Sri Raghavendra Swami allieviated the concerns of the pandits by writng a remarkable work Bhaavadeepa on tatva prakashika and it is needless to say that the maiden sported with new suitable dress .
-By Dr. B. Basker

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1 Comment undefined "Guru Gunasthavana- Part8"


    We are indeed very much thankful to you for giving us the meaning of Gurugunasthava in a simple way. It is very simple and easy to read.

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