Guru Gunasthavana- Part4

Guru Gunasthavana- Part4

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||

Guru Gunasthavana (Part 4)
Namaskara to all Haribhakthaas.
Shloka 10
rvacah pracam pravacamupacayamabhajan yatkrtajranthajalaih sankhyavanto yamahurmuhurakilakalamurtimudvelakirti-
rdhira SriRaghavendrah sa disatu satatam bhavyamavyahatam nah ||10

Namaskara to one who has written works to remove ignorance, and that which has been revered by many scholars, one who has highlighted the great works of predecessors and who is glorified by many people – none other than the great Sri Raghavendra teertharu.  The saint prays His Holiness to shower his anugraha.

Shloka 11
ye ramavyasapadapranihitamanaso madhvatantrapratista-
dhuryamaryadasamvitsumahitasumatindraryasisyagranyah |
prakhyatan tanupendravrativibudhamanin desikanasraye’ham || 11

Here the greatness of the ashrama guru of Sri Vadeendraru Sri Upendra Tirtharu is described as one who always meditates on Sri Raama and  Vedavysa and also one of the famous disciples of Sri Sumateendra swami and also One  who is always contemplating on shastras and also praised by saadhoo janas. Namaskara to such a great saint.

Shloka 12
yogo yah karmanama kavibhirabhihito yasca vijnanasanjnah
sakto nasiddhakayastanumatiranayostavadavarjane’ham |
yascopayairupeyah sthiraphalavidhaye desikasyaprasada-
stasmai tasya stuviyanisamapi caritam raghavendravratindoh || 12

In this shloka in all humility the great saint feels that it is impossible to try to reach the Lotus feet of the Lord by both jnana marga and karma marga,since this body is ephemeral and the saint feels that one can only be saved by Sri Raghavendra Swamiji’s benign grace which in turn is only possible if we constantly cherish the greatness and compositions of Sri Rayaru.

Dr. B. Basker


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2 Comments undefined "Guru Gunasthavana- Part4"

  1. Vadiraj

    Shloka 11
    ye ramavyasapadapranihitamanaso madhvatantrapratista-
    dhuryamaryadasamvitsumahitasumatindraryasisyagranyah |
    prakhyatan tanupendravrativibudhamanin desikanasraye’ham || 11
    Here the greatness of the ashrama guru of Sri Rayaru Sri Upendra teetaru is described as one who always meditates on Sri Raama and Vedavysa and also one of the famous disciples of Sri Sumateendra swami and also One who is always contemplating on shastras and also praised by saadhoo janas. Namaskara to such a great saint.
    There is a mistake above. Please correct. Sri Upendra Tirtharu is not ashrama guru of Sri Rayaru, probably translator meant Sri Vadeendra tirtharu instead of Sri Rayaru here.

    • dvaitavedanta

      Thanks sir. It is now corrected. HAre Srinivasa

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