Aradhanae of Sri Sri Raghoottama Tirtha

Aradhanae of Sri Sri Raghoottama Tirtha

|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Sri Vijayindra Sri Sudeendra Sri Raghootama Sri Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha||

Aradhane of great saint of Sri Madhva parampare, Sri Sri Raghoottama Tirtha will be celebrated on 6-1-2012. I would like to take this as an opportunity to post an article on greatness of his holiness.
भावबोधकृतं सेवे रघुत्तममहागुरुम्। यच्छिष्यशिष्यशिष्याद्याः टिप्पण्याचार्यसंज्ञिताः॥
|| bhAvabodhakR^itaM seve raghuttamamahAgurum .yacChiShyashiShyashiShyAdyAH TippaNyAcAryasaMj~nitAH ||

Moola brindhaavana of Sri Raghoothama Tirtha, Tirukoilur

Preceptor: Sri Sri Raghuvarya Tirtha
Aradhane:Pushya Shuddha Ekadashi[Madhya Aradhanae is celebrated on 6-01-2012]
Brindavana:Tirukoilur,Near the banks of the river Pinakini,Villupuram,Tamilnadu
Poorvasharama Name:Sri Ramachandra

Sri Sri Raghottama Tirtha(1537-1595) was the 13th Pontiff of Sri Uttaradi Mutt. He had added flavour to Sri Madhva shastra by composing five bhavabhodas etc.The five Bhava Bodhas are:1. Brihadaranya Bhavabhoda 2. Nyaya Vivarana Bhavabhoda 3. Gitabhashya Bhavabhoda (Prameya Dipika Bhavabhoda)4. Vishnutatvanirnaya Bhavabhoda 5. Tattvaprakashika Bhavabhoda.

It is said that,whenever Sri Sri Raghootama Tirtha writes bhavabodha(works),he verifies the same with Sri Hanumantha.Sri Vayu devaru happily recognizes his works(by nodding his head).Since Vayu devaru stood sakshi for his works,Vayu devaru is called as ‘Grantha Sakshi Anjaneya’.This devasthana is still present at Srirangam,Tamilnadu.
By composing these golden works he was able to bring out the hidden meaning of the works of Sri Madhaachaaryaruand Sri Teekaakridpaadaru.

Sri Sri Ragootama Tirtha was a great Vairagyasali.Rotti Venkanna(Cook)became a great Scholar(Rotti Venkanachar) in a second,when our Srigalu kept Mantrakshate on his head.He also cured a dumb person to speak, in a second with his powerful mantrakshate. Likewise,he has been performing dozens of miracles every day. His karuna is like a ocean.Let the holy dust which comes from his holy feet, protect us!

Abhisheka to his holiness Sri Sri Raghoottama Tirtha brindhavana:

He is also said to be present alive inside his brindhavana(in the standing position) and does Tapas for next 1000 years.In simple words, he is also a kalpavruksha/kamadhenu(like our dear Mantralaya mahaprabhu),who removes sorrows of his devotees and protects them.
The Moola Brindavana of Sri Sri Raghottama Tirtha is located at Manampoondi near Tirukoilur. His holiness continues to bless His devotees who come to do seva to Him,from inside his Brindavana.
Dasarapadhagalu on Srigalu:

  • kaaneno ninna sari deena rakshaka yenna maanadim salahayya gyaanigala tilakane…..tande purandaravitalana daasa bandenna agagala kaledu poraiyo daathaa.
  • Paahi Raghothama Gururaya(Sri Tande Venkatesa vittal).
  • Namo DaishikaRya Raghothama padha namo devathma(Sri Guru Govinda Vital),are the famous dasara padhagalu on him.

To know more about Sri Raghoottama Teertharu:Click here
Discalimer:With my very little knowledge I have posted this write up on his holiness.I sincerely pray Sri Raghootama Gururayaru antharkatha Sri Vayu antharkatha Sri Ramachandra Murthy to please forgive mistakes,if found in this article.

Let this brilliant saint bless all of us with Gyana/Bhakthi/Vairagya,
—In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,

Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.

About The Author


  1. Gopal Ranga rao

    Hare Sirnivasa,
    Please send me books on Sri Raghutama Tirtha Swamy in English I want to subscribe for Panchangam. Please give me contact address and Telephone No.

  2. dvaitavedanta

    Contact Information:
    Sri Sri Raghuthamma Swamy Moola Brindavana,
    Manmpoondi (Tirukoilur) – 605759,
    Distroct: Villupuram,
    Phone : 04153 – 24690
    hare Sreenivasa

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