|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama || || Om Sri Vedavyasaya Namaha ||
About Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam:
We request Donors to come forward and contribute for the Gurukula. All the donations are exempted from 80G of Income Tax Act 1961
Bhoo Dhana Appeal

Download Bhoo Dana appeal from here
With the blessings of Sri Vedavyasa, our Veda Patashala Regd.No.86/2021 at Srirangam and Chennal have been functioning for the past 13 years, and we are entering 14 th year successfully. Our Gurukulam has no permanent funds and is being run with the support of like-minded people like you. Our gurukulam teaches “RIG VEDA, YAJUR VEDA and VEDANTA SHASTRAS” to over 80 students residing here. Over the years, 20 students have completed their studies and are well placed as teachers (ADHYAPAKAS) in various gurukulam.
Our Current premises are not sufficient to accommodate further new students. By God’s grace and like minded people’s support, our gurukulam has acquired a land of around. At this place, a new gurukulam building of around 8000 Sq.ft has been initiated to be built with all the required facilities for the students
The Construction cost is estimated to be around 1.5 crores. For the Veda Rakshana and Vidyarthi Poshana, we appeal you to support in the building construction in all the possible ways and earn the blessings of Sri Bhagavan Vedavyasa
As the scriptures say, any dharma karya towards Veda Rakshana benefits the ten prior and post generations of donor’s in addition to the donor as well. We therefore once again appeal to your goodself to participate in the construciton for which we would be ever thankful to you.
Contribution can be sent by Cheque/DD/MO in favour of online transcation donors are requested to send the details, Address, Mobile Number, PAN Number, Name, Nakshatra, Gothra, Date of birth through e-mail / post
Alternatively, you can also email for further@tvgurukulam@gmail.com, mailmevenky@gmail.com
For our benefit and also for the development of our Gurukula, let us take part in this and get the blessings of Sri Vayu devaru anthargatha Sri Vedavyasa
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To know more about our Gurukula go through the below page from our website,
~~ Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu ~~