|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama || || Om Sri Vedavyasaya Namaha ||
For the peace and happiness of all satvic souls and for the prosperity of the entire World, and also for the development of our gurukula we the members of “Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam(Srirangam/Chennai)” with the anugraha of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu, and all Mathadhipathis have arranged for “Rigveda Homa, Sriman Nyaya Sudha Parayana, Rigveda Kantastha Parayana,Sarvamoola Parayana” from 02-05-2023 to 07-05-2023 in the presence of Swamiji of Sosale Sri Vyasaraja Mutt at Triplicane Sri Vyasaraja Mutt, Chennai.
Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam has taken high efforts for the samrakshana of Veda.We request all good hearted souls to kindly donate generously and take part in this noble effort. All the donations for the homas are utilized solely for the development of this gurukula. Hence indirectly we all are participating in the samrakshana of Veda which brings the blessings of Sri Madhva anthargatha Lord Sri Vedavyasa without any doubt.
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We request Donors to come forward and contribute for the Gurukula. All the donations are exempted from 80G of Income Tax Act 1961
Contact Trustee’s incase of any queries
Alternatively, you can also email@ tvgurukulam@gmail.com, mailmevenky@gmail.com
For our benefit and also for the development of our Gurukula, let us take part in this and get the blessings of Sri Vayu devaru anthargatha Sri Vedavyasa
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~~ Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu ~~