|| Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama ||
|| Om Sri Vedavyasaya Namaha ||
For the peace and happiness of all satvic souls and for the prosperity of the whole world and also for the development of our gurukula we the members of “Sri Trayee Vidhya Gurukulam(Srirangam/Chennai)” with the anugraha of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu, and all Mathadhipathis have arranged for “Rigveda homa(Riksamhita), Sriman Nyaya Sudha Parayana, Rigveda Kantastha Parayana,Navagraha and Nakshatra homa” on 27-4-2014 to 04-05-2014 at “Sri Vyasaraja Mutt”,Srirangam,Tamilnadu under the auspicious sannidhana of Sri Mukyaprana,Sri Vyasaraja Tirtha,Sri Lakshminatha Tirtha,Sri Lakshmipathi Tirtha,Sri Lakshminidhi Tirtha,Sri Vidya Sreedhara Tirtha and Sri Vidya Varidhi Tirtha.
Sri Trayee Vidhya Gurukulam has taken high efforts for the samrakshana of Veda.We request all good hearted souls to kindly donate generously and take part in this noble effort. All the donations for the homas are utilized solely for the development of this gurukula. Hence indirectly we all are participating in the samrakshana of Veda which brings the blessings of Sri Madhva anthargatha Lord Sri Vedavyasa without any doubt.
Veda & Sastra Shalaka pariksha(Magic Stic Exam):
During Rigveda samhita Homa the Trustees of Sri Trayee Vidhya Gurukula have organized “Veda & Sastra Shalaka pariksha(Magic Stic Exam)”.
Vidyarthees of Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam is participating in the Veda & Sastra Shalaka pariksha(Magic Stic Exam) which is being conducted on 27-04-2014 from 5 PM – 7PM at the same venue. Magic Stic Exam is nothing but an exam which measures the knowledge of young Vidyarthees on the patta(lessons) which they have learnt till date. Examiner places Stick on any page of the Veda/Sastra book and the Student must be able to recite that particular content of the page.
All our Donors are requested to attend and cheer our young Vidyarthees.
Seva Details:
S.NO | Details of Donation | Donation Rs. |
1 | Ekadhina Sarva Seva and Saswatha Veda Poshana seva. (Annadhana will be served to Students of Gurukula on any day you choose every year. It can be on your birthday, wedding day or the day you perform shraddha) | Rs.25,000/- |
2 | Brahmana Sandarpane | Rs.10,000/- |
3 | Rigveda homa & Veda Poshana Seva[Rigveda homa sankalpa and Annadhana will be served to Students of Gurukula on any day you choose. It can be on your birthday, wedding day or the day you perform shraddha. | Rs.3,500/- |
4 | Rigveda Homa | Rs.1000/- |
5 | Navagraha & Nakshatra Homa | Rs.1000/- |
For all Samaradhana Swamy prasadha will be sent to your address.
NOTE: Please let us know once you do Online e-transfer so that we can confirm your payment and send you the receipts accordingly.
Contact Trustee’s incase of any queries,
- Managing Trustee: Sri S. Vijayendra Ganapaati(Bharathi)-Cell no:+918098922388
- Executive Trustee:Sri V. Sathish Sharma- Cell no:+919841034363
Alternatively, you can also email@ tvgurukulam@gmail.com (or) You can also let me know if you have any queries email@mailmevenky@gmail.com For our benefit and also for the development of our Gurukula, let us take part in this and get the blessings of Sri Vayu devaru anthargatha Sri Vedavyasa
“Message from Managing/Executive trustees”:
We will do sankalpa during homa on behalf of you and your family members and send prasada to your address. For prosperity of Donors,for one full year on every Sunday Pavamana parayana will be performed and sakalpa prarthana will be done on Nakshatra& Gothra which is given by the Donor. We sincerely conduct Veda Parayana and pray to God to give you and your family relief from all your miseries and help you to move close towards God. Your seva to Veda will bring anantha punya and also bring peace and joy to your family.
Thanking you,
Managing Trustee: Sri. Vijyendra Achar,(Ganapaati) &Executive Trustee:Sri. V. Sathish Sharma
Address: Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam, Sri Vijayendra Achar (Srirangam),181, East Uthara Street, Srirangam Trichy – 620006 Contact numbers: +91 8098922388, 9841034363
Chennai branch: Sri Satheesh Achar ,153 B Perumal NagarExtn,Jamin Pallavaram,Chennai – 620117 Contact numbers: +919841034363, +919840814017
E-mail/Website: tvgurukulam@gmail.com, info@vedapeeta.com/ www.vedapeeta.com
–In the service of Lord Sri Hari Vayu gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao