|| Sri Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama||
||Sri Vibhudhendra Gurubyo Namaha||
||Sri Vijayindra Sudhindra Raghavendra Gurubyo Namaha||

The aradhane mahotsava of one of greatest saints of Sri Madhwa lineage,” Sri Sri Vibhudhendra Tirtha”(1435-1490) is celebrated on 05-12-11,i.e,Margashira Shuddha Dashami. He was the vidyaguru of Sri Sripadarajaru.He has been a great personality in the history of Sri Madhwa philosophy.The name of Sri Rayaru Mutt was before called as Sri Vibhudhendra Mutt.He was the 11th pontiff of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt
Poorvaashrama name: Sri Raghunatha bhat
Ashrama Gurugalu: Sri Ramachandra Tirtha
Ashrama Sishyaru:Sri Jithamitra Tirtha
Brindhavana pravesha: Near the banks of river Tamraparni @Tirunelveli,Tamilnadu
Sri Vadeendra tirtha has praised Srigalu in his work called Gurugunastavana,which had been posted in our blog as series.
Srimatpoornaprabodhaprakatithapadaveedhavibhedhaavidheemat Senaabaaseeraseemaa samudithaviditaabaadayodhaadi netha | maayaasiddhaanta deekshaavighatanaghatana sarvatantra svatantrah sriraamavyaasadaaso vilasati vibhudeendraabhidah samyameendrah ||
The poet next eulogises the 11th pontiff of the matha, Sri Vibhudendra Tirtha. Let Sri Vibhudendratirtha, the ardent disciple of the brilliant Srimadaachaaryaru and the foremost of the unbeatable warriors of the batallion of the gods and pandits, who can establish the dvaita vedanta without help from anyone and defeat the maayaavaadins and who continuously worships Sri Veda Vyaasaru and Sri MoolaRaamachandramurthi, shine effulgently.
In this poem it is highlighted that Sri Madhvacharya and Vibhudendra tirtha both have in common the svabhava or nature of silencing others and hence is a classic example of Svabhavokti Arthaalankaaraa. By using the word vighatanaghatana the poet has used the chekaanupraasaa alankaara. Sarvatantra svatantre is vritti anupraasa alankaaraa.
Dhyaana Sloka:
अकेरलं तथा सेतुमागंगं चाहिमालयं।निराकृताद्वैतशैवं विबुदेंद्रगुरुं भजे
Akeralam Thatha Sethumaa Gangam chaa Himaalayam|NeeraaKruthaAdwaithashaivam ViBhudhendra Guum Bhajeh ||
Let this great saint give us Gyana,bhakthi&Vairagya.
In the service of Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu,
Venkatesh Rajendra Rao.
-May the great teacher,Sri VyasaTirtha,be our guide&protector,to grant all our desires.
Thanks for publishing the photos Mr. Venkatesh Rao.
GOD bless you.